Situated on the banks of the Eersteriver, with the Stellenbosch Mountain as a backdrop, lies the sprawling campus of Paul Roos Gymnasium, a boys’ school with a tradition of excellence in all areas of education and sport.
Paul Roos Gymnasium is known as one of the top sporting schools in South Africa, not only in Rugby, but also in Hockey, Cricket, Tennis, Athletics, Waterpolo, Golf and since 2008: Mountain Biking.
Since the first Mountain Biking camp in April 2008 held in the Overberg, the team grew from a hand full of guys to a 50 man strong Mountain Biking Team in 2012.
The mission of the team is to create a safe and enjoyable environment for all riders and to create opportunities that wouldn’t have been possible elsewhere.
All in all we are just a bunch of passionate individuals, who love to ride our bicycles.
Oefentye / Training Times
Maandae: Beginners en Juniors: 15:15- 16:45
Dinsdae: PRG Mini-Race: 15:00-16:30
Woensdae: Advanced Group ride (Seniors) – 15:00-16:30
Donderdae: Skills 15:00 -16:30 & Gravity / Enduro: 15:00 – 16:30